Our Teams

Our Teams
  • U9 (1st and 2nd Grade)

The U9 program's focus is to teach fundamental lacrosse skills (throwing, catching, ground balls, cradling, and shooting) to young players. Games are played on smaller field.

  • U11 (3rd and 4th Grade)
  • U13 (5th and 6th Grade)
  • U15 (7th and 8th Grade)

Players will progressively build upon fundamental skills and gain a more in-depth knowledge of the team game in the U11, U13 and U15 Programs. 

Select Teams
The boys’ and girl’s program at the U11,U13 and U15 levels offer the opportunity to play on a Select team. There is a tryout and there is an additional fee for this team. An additional practice and game each week is expected of these players. 

When does the season start?
The season unofficially begins in January with weekly indoor sessions. These are optional practices designed to get sticks in the players’ hands and to build a base for the season. The cost for indoor sessions is separate from the spring registration fee.

  • Teams move outside as the weather permits and fields are safe to play on. We always aim to be outside by the end of March for the official start of the season. 
  • Game play starts in early April and ends in mid-June with the MYL Jamboree for the girls, or the MYL Jamboree for the boys. 
  • At the U9, U11, U13 and U15 levels, teams play games both home and away on Sundays.

U9 teams practice twice per week for 60-75 minutes while U11, U13 and U15 teams practice twice per week for 90 minutes. Most practices are on weekday afternoons, and some teams have Saturday morning practice. The practice schedule for both boy’s and girl’s programs is determined by field availability and coaches’ availability. Team rosters and final practice schedules are set typically in late March.

Balancing multiple sport in the spring
Many of our players participate in multiple sports, and it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts. Our coaches understand this and our policy as a recreational program is to not penalize players with less playing time in games due to absence at practices. We strongly encourage attendance at all lacrosse practices in order for each player, and the team as a whole, to improve and therefore have more fun. Safety, individual skills, and team play are our program goals. Our coaches teach them in practice and implement them in games, so practice is important! 

When conflicts arise, we ask that parents keep the coaches informed as soon as possible so that practice plans and game plans can be altered if necessary. Our number one goal is to provide a great experience with the game of lacrosse for all players.